Our mission is to help people free their hearts and minds from stress and experience the freedom of the Buddha’s awakening.
At our center—led by both ordained Buddhist monastics and experienced lay teachers—we emphasize the importance of developing a formal meditation or mindfulness practice while simultaneously learning how to bring the wisdom developed through that practice into one’s daily life.
About the Center
We provide a place for classes and weekly practice where people can come together to learn and support their meditation practices under the guidance of experienced teachers.
We have in-person meditation practice sessions every Wednesday evening and Saturday morning in Wenham. There is also a Zoom-only practice offering every Monday evening and Thursday morning.
We offer both off-site residential retreats, and bi-monthly, on-site one-day retreats.
Mindfulness for Kids and Teens Program
Kids and teens participating in the program will be introduced to meditation, mindful movement, metta (loving-kindness affirmations), art making and music, and discussions of mindfulness in everyday life.